ITA 322 / GSS 339 / JDS 327 / ECS 332 (SA)

Black, Queer, Jewish Italy

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This seminar approaches the two most studied phases of Italian history, the Renaissance and the 20th Century, by placing otherness at the center of the picture rather than at its margins.  We will look at pivotal events and phenomena (the rise of Humanism, the rise of fascism, courtly culture, the two World Wars, 16th century art, the avant-garde) from the point of view of non-white, non-Christian, non-heterosexual witnesses, authors and fictional characters.  We will adopt a trans-historical, intersectional, and interdisciplinary perspective: themes will be analyzed at the crossing of the two historical phases and of the three topics in exam.

View this course on the Registrar’s website.

View this course on the Registrar’s website.

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