Smells, Sounds and Textures of Iberian Modernity: The High Plateau and the Sea: Landscape and Character in Spanish and Catalan Nationalism
Spanish & Portuguese Joan Ramon Resina, Stanford University
November 17, 2023 · 3:30 pm—5:00 pm · 103 Chancellor Green

Speaker: Joan Ramon Resina (Stanford University)
Discussant: Lucia Filipova (Spanish & Portuguese)
Moderator: Renee Congdon (Spanish & Portuguese)
Join the Department of Spanish & Portuguese on Friday, November 17, 3:30-5:00 PM in 103 Chancellor Green for the second invited guest lecture of the “Smells, Sounds, and Textures of Iberian Modernity” talk series” talk series, entitled “The High Plateau and the Sea: Landscape and Character in Spanish and Catalan Nationalism.” Guest speaker, Joan Ramon Resina, is Professor of Iberian and Latin American Cultures and Professor of Comparative Literature at Stanford University. On Friday, he will explore the role of landscape for the so-called Generation of ’98, a Spanish literary group active at the end of 19th century, in comparison with the representation of landscape in the context of Catalan nationalism, focusing on the early 20th-century cultural movements of Modernism and Noucentisme. This talk will explore the interstices of visuality, imagery, literature, and art, engaging in a sensorial analysis of literary representations of landscape.
Sponsors: Spanish and Portuguese, the Center for Culture, Society, and Religion, the Humanities Council, the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities, Anthropology, Art & Archaeology, Comparative Literature, Music, Near Eastern Studies, Religion, and the Program in European Cultural Studies