The Value of Marx’s Capital Today
European Cultural Studies, Comparative Literature, German Virtual
January 31, 2022 · 12:00 pm—1:30 pm · Zoom

A public virtual roundtable on January 31 (12–1:30pm EST) will reconsider Karl Marx’s Capital, Volume 1 from the perspective of theory and practice today with leading scholars of this foundational work of political economy. Topics for discussion will include the need for a new translation of Capital for our times (currently being undertaken by Paul Reitter and Paul North), reading and teaching Capital as a historical yet timely text, and connections between Marx and democratic political theory and other traditions of critical thought.
The public roundtable can be joined at: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/91718561763
The event can also be shared via Facebook: https://fb.me/e/22FgvXPi0