‘Young Russia’: The National Image in its Colorful Life
Program in European Cultural Studies Katherine Hill-Reischl
April 23, 2019 · 12:30 pm—1:30 pm · 203 Scheide Caldwell House

A workshop organized by the ECS Graduate Affiliate Working Group on Color and Modernity.
This work in progress considers the early history of color photography in Russia and America — and exchanges therein — in order to assess the status of color and the “colorful” in representing not only a picture of imperial Russia, but also its idealized forms in the present day.
Katherine Hill-Reischl is Assistant Professor in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Princeton. Prof. Hill-Reischl’s research focuses on twentieth-century Russian literature, art, and culture, with particular attention paid to the relationship between text and image. She is also the author of Photographic Literacy: Cameras in the Hands of Russian Authors (Cornell University Press, 2018).
Lunch will be served.
RSVP to Gabriella Ferrari (gferrari@princeton.edu) to attend the lunch workshop.