Latest Past Events
The Value of Marx’s Capital Today
Zoom PrincetonA public virtual roundtable on January 31 (12–1:30pm EST) will reconsider Karl Marx’s Capital, Volume 1 from the perspective of theory and practice today with leading scholars of this foundational work of political economy. Topics for discussion will include the need for a new translation of Capital for our times (currently being undertaken by Paul […]
Visual Media Workshop – ‘What Is Seen and What Can Be Said About It’: Visual Turns in the Anarchive
virtualECS Visual Media Workshop Wednesday, April 21 4:30 pm EDT Lia Brozgal, UCLA 'What Is Seen and What Can Be Said About It': Visual Turns in the Anarchive Virtual workshop via Zoom Zoom link: Open to Princeton community and the public. Brozgal is most recently the author of Absent the Archive: Cultural Traces of a Massacre […]
Carl E. Schorske Memorial Lecture – Auerbach, Homer, Sebald: Hypotactic Narrative and the End of the World
virtualThe Program in European Cultural Studies (ECS) is delighted to announce that Daniel Mendelsohn will deliver the program’s 2nd annual Carl E. Schorske Memorial Lecture on April 20, 2021. The lecture is named in honor of the founding director of ECS, eminent historian Carl E. Schorske (1915-2015). In his award-winning 2020 study Three Rings: A […]