Calendar of Events

Labyrinth Books 122 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ, United States

The Eclipse of the Utopias of Labor

Co-sponsored by Labyrinth Books and the Program in European Cultural Studies

207 East Pyne

Readings Lectures Performances accompanying the exhibition Hanne Darboven’s Address — Place and Time

Sponsored by the Department of Art & Archaeology, the Princeton University Art Museum, the Department of German, and the Program in European Cultural Studies

Woolworth 102 Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States

Now Is Simply the Mess. Formalism, Modernism, Again

Department of Music. Co-Sponsored by the Program in European Cultural Studies and the Program in Media & Modernity

A6 McCormick

The Bigger Picture: A History and Theory of Expanded Views

Images and Objects in Modern Europe

African Philosophers in Europe and the Question of Slavery, 1700-1750

Department of Philosophy

Michael Rothberg-This event has been canceled

Program in European Cultural Studies

Joseph Henry House 16

ECS Workshop: On Max Klinger’s A Glove

Program in European Cultural Studies

201 Julis Romo Rabinowitz

The God Behind the Marble: Transcendence and the Art Object in the German Aesthetic State, 1794–1848

Images and Objects in Modern Europe

A6 McCormick

The Bigger Picture: A History and Theory of Expanded Views

Images and Objects in Modern Europe

Joseph Henry House 16

The West: A New History: A Conversation with David Bell and Tony Grafton

Program in European Cultural Studies

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