A Better Close Reading: The Western Canon in Our Times
Program in European Cultural Studies Maryam Wasif Khan
April 2, 2018 · 6:00 pm—8:00 pm · Joseph Henry House 16

Maryam Wasif Khan is Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the Mushtaq Gurmani School of Humanities and Social Sciences, LUMS, Lahore. An alumna of Princeton’s Department of Comparative Literature and Program in European Cultural Studies, she received her doctorate in Comparative Literature from UCLA in 2013. Her essays on British orientalism, Muslim reform, and world literature have appeared in Modern Fiction Studies (MFS), Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History (MLQ) and PMLA. She is currently completing a book manuscript tentatively titled, Martyrs and Marauders: Orientalism and the Rise of Vernacular Populisms. The workshop, “A Better Close Reading? The Western Canon for Our Times,” is part of a second project, envisioned as a series of essays and contemplations on the possibilities contained in the act of reading foundational European texts outside of the Academy.
Workshop talk with precirculated reading.
Dinner will be served.
Please contact Sena Hill (smhill@princeton.edu) to register.