Calendar of Events

010 East Pyne 010 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ, United States

The Language of War: Rage, Love, Memory

Program in Translation and Intercultural Communication

161 Louis A. Simpson International Building

Documenting Violence in Writing and Translation

Program in Translation and Intercultural Communication

103 Chancellor Green Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States

Smells, Sounds and Textures of Iberian Modernity: The High Plateau and the Sea: Landscape and Character in Spanish and Catalan Nationalism

Spanish & Portuguese

103 Chancellor Green Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States

Smells, Sounds and Textures of Iberian Modernity: The Harmonious al-Andalus

Spanish & Portuguese

Betts Auditorium Betts Auditorium, Princeton, NJ, United States

[Cancelled] An evening with Orlando | Carl E. Schorske Memorial Lecture

Program in European Cultural Studies; Program in Media and Modernity; School of Architecture

209 Scheide Caldwell House

European Cultural Studies & Contemporary European Politics and Society Sophomore Open House

The European Review of Books

Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities
002 Robertson Hall

Historical Crisis and Paranoid Emplotment: The Discursive Structure of Racial Panics in Interwar Year Europe

Donna V. Jones, University of California, Berkeley

Program in European Cultural Studies; Eberhard L. Faber 1915 Memorial Fund in the Humanities Council
209 Scheide Caldwell House

Minor in European Studies Sophomore Open House

Program in European Cultural Studies; Program in Contemporary European Politics and Society
101 Friend Center

Carl E. Schorske Memorial Lecture – Gustav Mahler and Arnold Schoenberg as Buddhists of the End-Times

Peter Sellars, UCLA

Program in European Cultural Studies
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