Calendar of Events

A6 McCormick

The Bigger Picture: A History and Theory of Expanded Views

Images and Objects in Modern Europe

Joseph Henry House 16

The West: A New History: A Conversation with David Bell and Tony Grafton

Program in European Cultural Studies

010 East Pyne 010 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ, United States

Renaissance Florence and the Origins of Capitalism: From Burckhardt to the Digital Humanities

ECS Faber Lecture

A17 Julis Romo Rabinowitz

Free Speech: A View From Europe

PIIRS Research Initiative

Queer Marxism Workshop

Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies, Department of Comparative Literature

209 Scheide Caldwell House

Habitually Unsettled: Opera Studies and Opera Staging Today

Program in European Cultural Studies

010 East Pyne 010 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ, United States

Fugitive Mirror

Program in European Cultural Studies

209 Scheide Caldwell House

The Right of Languages: Justice, Translatability, and Multilingualism

Program in European Cultural Studies

Joseph Henry House 16

Marionettes, Mechanics, and Artificial Nature: Robert Lepage’s Production of Stravinsky’s Nightingale

Program in European Cultural Studies

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